Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank you, to the Borough

The winter holidays are just a short way off. Winter holidays indicate a traditional half way marker for the school year. Our calendar reflects that tradition, as of Dec 10, 2008, there are only 17 days of school until the semester ends on January 16, 2009. It has been an exciting year to date. Our students are engaged in a number of programs such as the CDL project at Schoenbar and RTI (Response to Intervention) in all District schools. In the next step of production technology, our high school students will soon start the KGBSD-TV. We have been working with GCI to have a tv-channel up and running with District related activities and student-generated programs.
The budget has consumed more than its fair share of headlines and meeting time this year, however the FY 09 budget is now solid and positive. Attached to my report in the Board meeting of Dec 10 is a student count by school report. Student count is used to determine our funding and following the count report is a brief report on the funds generated by the number of students we have reported. It appears that we will reach of revenue projections and as a result can be comfortable in following our projects based on original budgets.
One of the main reasons for being comfortable is the drop in fuel prices. Also attached to my report (you can one it on the District website) is a breakdown of our fuel expenditures to date. We are averaging approximately $3.01 per gallon. At a halfway point in the budget this indicates that some funds will be available to cover over-runs in other areas.
As a special note, District administration is requesting approval to expend funds in the purchase of much needed vehicles. We had originally requested funds to lease these vehicles, however the Ketchikan Borough Assembly has granted the District funds for their out-right purchase. This is a tremendous benefit to the District, to have these vehicles without debt, enhances our budget this year and the next four. Administration offers recognition of the Administration of the Borough and the Assembly in this extended appropriation.
If you get the chance, please thank members of the Borough Assembly and the KGB Administrative team for their strong support of the school district.

1 comment:

Matt Olsen said...

Nice work on the blog and budget.